A-line kits, tips and tricks anyone?

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A-line kits, tips and tricks anyone?

Post by Brainpill » Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:29 am

So I have read the topic in previous times about how to make an Aline set.
Ive stared at Rivetlickers drawing for the install and have personally installed an aline set before on a friend!

Ive never made myself a set before and just go brain dead when I look at the hair and dont know where to start.
The goal plan is to leave the bangs out and do the rest so I figure maybe around 60 dreads? I have very thick hair so I can hold a lot. Its also on the short side, so not too much braiding will go down.

I know two make three groups of length. Short, medium and long. Just curious how many of each group should I make? Whats more important, the short or longer dreads? When installing do I want more dreads up top for thickness?

Any advice you can throw my way or personal experiences or even PICTURES would be awesome.
Its gonna be a short aline btw. REAL short in the back and still kinda short up front but a little below the chin...
I can already imagine how much easier it will be to sleep on then long dreads like I normally wear.
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Re: A-line kits, tips and tricks anyone?

Post by rivetlicker_ » Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:04 pm

20 of each would probably be good, if you're doing SE. For DE, maybe 15 of each and use 45.

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Re: A-line kits, tips and tricks anyone?

Post by Brainpill » Fri Mar 15, 2013 5:13 am

SE would probably be the way to go yeah? I feel DE would be kinda hard to make as short as I want and kinda bump out and show.. if that makes sense. Se may look cleaner even if most the braids show.
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